Monday, July 15, 2013

This Old Home

We have moved from house to apartment. From suburbia to the city.

A good friend of mine said to me, upon the news that Cam, the kids and I would be moving; that most people want to venture out into the country. The rolling green hills, the fresh air, the space. And whatever else draws one toward there. For Cam and I, our kind of country - is the city. For now, I guess. A time and a season, the saying goes.

For me, I think it's in my blood that I am drawn to the city. I was born in Melbourne city, and raised for the most part of life here. Although we moved home when I was eight years old from Lygon Street, Carlton to 30km away, my parents and siblings commuted everyday to the city for school & work. 

A good part of me is here in this city. Now being here with my husband and children is surreal and wonderful and crazy and awesome. The scariest part of moving was having four children under six years of age and walking the traffic-ridden streets. But they are more sensible than I would have thought. For the most part. 

Instead of waking up and looking out our window to uncovered skies and suburban homes, we wake up each morning to sky scrapers and terraces and brick heritage buildings. There are many moments I find myself staring out the window to this kind of world.

We opted to try the lifestyle walking everywhere. Walking and catching the tram to work, school and kindergarten. Exactly what my parents and siblings did as a young family. I think of them often and love them for those wonderful memories they gave us. 

I drive once a week, too and from church. 

I walk to Victoria Market around the corner for fresh produce. The market is an amazing place to be. It's like a hub for people to be whoever they want to be. In style, in personality, and whatever else.

Walking home from school, I love the big tall trees in the gardens where I used to roam and play as a child. If only trees could talk. I become nostalgic and remember as a child this old home. And walking down local streets like Grattan & Elgin. And then I see before me, my own children who are now that age.

Cam takes the girls to walk & catch the tram each morning to school and kindergarten, on his way to work. I like to watch my girls when we sit on the tram and wonder what they are thinking, taking in their environment. I wonder what I used to think, when I was the age my kids are now, in this environment. The parks are wonderfully kept, and there is much to do for them.

We see so many people. Business worker to university student. There are tradesmen and cranes on nearly every block. Architecture richly diverse.

Melbourne is a city with so many wonderful and unknown things to do. I look forward to finding out what those things are with Cam and the kids.

It's nice to be back. And to make this old home once mine, our new home.


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